2000年、英国セントラル・セント・マーティンズ美術学校、シアターデザインコース卒業。帰国後、大道具会社勤務を経て、東京を拠点に舞台美術、衣裳プランナーとして活動。2010年から1年間、文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員として、ドイツ「Theater der Jungenwelt Leipzig」にて研鑽を積む。『ユビュ王』衣裳プラン(小川絵梨子演出)において第43回伊藤熹朔賞奨励賞受賞。座・高円寺「みんなの作業場」他、小中高校生を対象にした演劇ワークショップのコーディネーターとして、パフォーミングアーツの創作の面白さを伝える活動も行う。2022年〜23年 舞台芸術における環境サスティナビリティの実践の研究を目的に、英国ランカスター大学演劇科 社会、政治、環境変化のための演劇 修士課程で芸術修士号を取得。23年帰国後 芸術文化における環境配慮の実践を推進する団体 Image Nation Green を立ち上げる。
After her Bachelor study at Central St. Martins college of Art and Design in London, she worked as a scenic workshop supervisor for more than 200 productions including contemporary Japanese drama, musical, contemporary dance, modern Kabuki and so on. On a parallel of this, she has started her currier as a set and costume designer in Tokyo and has designed for more than 100 pieces. 2010-2011, she has received a scholarship from “Japanese Government Overseas Study Program” and researches “German theater for young audience” at Leipzig and Berlin. Now based in Tokyo.
After her Bachelor study at Central St. Martins college of Art and Design in London, she worked as a scenic workshop supervisor for more than 200 productions including contemporary Japanese drama, musical, contemporary dance, modern Kabuki and so on. On a parallel of this, she has started her currier as a set and costume designer in Tokyo and has designed for more than 100 pieces. 2010-2011, she has received a scholarship from “Japanese Government Overseas Study Program” and researches “German theater for young audience” at Leipzig and Berlin. Now based in Tokyo.